vendredi 25 février 2011

jeudi 17 février 2011

CT Call Srappers Delight

Scrapper’s Delights
so I am looking for some talented
Layout Artists/Taggers
to join my team!
*Work with 1-2 kits per month creating at least 1 Layout per kit
*Be active by play the Praise Game at DST, do the CTM Enabling at DST
*Post to at least 2 galleries: Scrapper’s Delights Own Gallery and DST
*Add promotions and featured products on your blog when asked.
Optional: You are able to choose one kit from my stores of your choice a month as long as the above requirements are still met.
So if you are interested and want to find out more! just apply by

Applying by contacting me with the following information:

sdelights AT tiscali DOTco DOT uk

*Your Email
*List of current CT’s
*Short Bio Including a bit about your scraping history
*Link to your blog
*Link to most complete gallery

lundi 14 février 2011

CT Call Kittyscrap

My Wonderful love / pub MCB

Retrouvez ces produits aussi chez Scrap bird:

Pages CT

 Retrouvez le nouveau collab offert  pour un achat de 7€ sur la boutique! Venez nombreux
  For a  purchase of 7 € on  the shop recive a voucher for this collab!

Nouveautés/ News

Sorties de la semaine / Exit of the week

N'oubliez pas le forum partenaire, de nombreux challenges, des kits offert, des bons de 5€ sur la boutique!

Remember the forum partner, many challenges, kits to win, voucher 5 € to the store!


Le challenge page de la semaine !

Découvrez donc cette semaine la gagnante:
The topic Page de la semaine !

So learn this week's winner:

Bonne journée et bon scrap'

Have a beautiful day and happy scrapping